米沢 正光
Maisawa Masamitsu
1976年 岩手県出身。1994年 東京にて美容師をスタートさせ、後の 2010年にAnthologyHair を立ち上げる。
美容師 20年目の節目にあたる2014年に自身初となるヘアコレクションDEVILS HAIRCUTを企画・プロデュース。
Born 1976 in Iwate Pref. Starting his career of Hair stylist from 1994, he succeeded to started his own brand “Anthology Hair” from 2010.
Putting his basic activity in Hair styling at his salon, he also put his energy into hair styling the top models for famous magazines.
2014 is his 20th anniversary for hair stylist career, he has produced/planned the1st edition hair collection “DEVILS HAIRCUT”.
Art Director/Graphic
河合 隆裕
Takahiro Kawai
1977年 愛知県出身。グラフィック・WEBデザイナーを経て、2010年よりアートワークレーベル「CARTER」を始動。
DEVILS HAIRCUTではアートディレクションとグラフィックを手掛ける。
Born 1977 Aichi Pref. Through his experience of Graphic/Web design, he started the Artwork Label “CARTER” from 2010.
The fusion of hand writing and graphic design by illustrate, is having a great feedback from several apparel brands, collaborating with garments.
He is participating as an art director in “DEVILS HAIRCUT”.
俵 和彦
Tawara Kazuhiko
1977年 熊本県出身。愛知県育ち。名古屋の出版社でカメラマンとして勤務。2004年、上京。
上京10年目の年にDEVILS HAIRCUTに出会いAnthologyHair × CARTER の世界観をより具現化させる為に参戦。
Born 1977 Kumamoto Pref. Grew up in Aichi Pref. Worked as a Photographer in Nagoya at publishing company.
As a location assistant of Keiichi Nitta, he decided to work in Tokyo from 2004, and at present, he works as a freelance photographer in the field of magazine, advertisement, Website.
For “DEVILS HAIRCUT”, he participates to make the world, image of “DEVILS HAIRCUT” into reality, through Anthology Hair x CARTER collaboration.